ShowFit Plugin Updated

ShowFit Plugin Updated

I’ve just updated our WordPress Plugin for embedding Garmin .fit data files in your blog. The latest update improves the speed of rendering the maps and reduces the amount of data your blog downloads from external sites. For full details of the plugin, see my post here: If you’ve got any questions about this…

WordPress Plugin to show .fit files

WordPress Plugin to show .fit files

I’ve recently finished writing a WordPress plugin to display .fit (Flexible and Interoperable Data Transfer) files. These are files from fitness devices, such as Garmin watches & bike computers. This is a personal project that I’ve wanted for quite a while. I’ve often posted in my personal blog ( about the cycling, running & triathlon…

Planet-X Tempest

Planet-X Tempest

After the Methlick Cycle Challenge, I decided I wanted to replace my mountain bike. I’d really enjoyed off-road bits of the ride, but using a mountain bike (albeit quite an old one) slowed me down on the road and hard-packed gravel sections. With this in mind, I decided on a gravel bike. There’re some good…