Methlick Cycle Challenge

Methlick Cycle Challenge

The Methlick Cycle Challenge has been going for a few years now, initially as a ride from Ballater to Methlick and more recently as a ride based in Methlick itself. The ride offers 66-mile, 44-mile and 20-mile options. This was the first time I’d attempted the event, and I opted for the 44 mile distance….


Suie Classic 2019

Last weekend, I took part in the Suie Classic, a 54 mile bike ride that’s part of the Great Inverurie Bike ride. The Great Inverurie Bike ride started out many years ago as a 25 mile sponsored event. In the last couple of years, a longer, 54 mile option has been added. The route follows…

Club La Santa 2018

We’re just back from a couple of weeks at Club la Santa in Lanzarote. For those not familiar with it, Club La Santa is one of the premier sport resorts in Europe. Its location in Lanzarote makes it the ideal place for a spring training camp as the weather’s usually pretty good, and the temperature’s…

Loch Ness Marathon

At start of year, my nephew, Ben, mentioned he was running Loch Ness marathon. I Decided to join him, as I’d always planned a marathon at some point, and this seemed the ideal opportunity. At the time, it seemed like a long way off, not until September. Coming up to the event, my training had…